Thursday 11 October 2012

The Fall of Bo Xilai

~By Cynthia Dawn Roy

As the China’s leadership is in the midst of transition, an old story is returning to the international scene. On September 28 it was announced that Bo Xilai would be prosecuted for misusing power, taking bribes, improper sexual relations and other offenses. Though no date has been announced for the trial, people are pleased that the Chinese government is taking this stand and moving forward with the case.
Last month, Bo Xilai, formerly an candidate for the extremely powerful 9-member Standing Committee of the Politburo, was expelled from the Communist Party.
Bo’s corruption and political misplay was revealed last February when Bo’s deputy, Wang Lijun, ran to the U.S. consulate in Chengdu and claimed that Mr. Bo’s wife had murdered a British businessman, Neil Heywood. In doing so, Wang had international attention drawn to a very sensitive political issue. Bo’s wife has been tried for this murder and given a suspended death sentence.
The long list of charges against Bo stretches back 15 years. Many Chinese citizens suspect that if international attention had not been drawn to this case through Wang’s accusations that Bo would have never have been accused, but may have succeeded was the leader to replace Hu Jintao, president of China. Instead, Xi Jinping will be stepping into this role.

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