Thursday 18 October 2012

Tightening the noose on internet crime

By: Kassy Sangster

China raises the eyebrows of the western world whenever their internet censorship is mentioned. So with that in mind, any success China has had in 'cracking down' on internet crime comes with a degree of scepticism.
There have been close to 9,000 people have been arrested on charges. How serious these convictions are is yet to be said but 3,500 sites have been shut down and 1.88 million messages have been deleted. Some of the charges they mentioned bring people on were for internet porn, fraud, hacking and selling illegal goods.
 One case they had a great deal of success on was in stopping a gang that was blackmailing businesses by threatening to put unwanted posts on the pages. China also has fired employees for doing the opposite, removing unwanted information off the interest for bribes. China has had a firm grip on the internet of the people but with so many arrests it leads one to wonder if the population is finding more ways to evade them. One must also wonder since the rules in China are so strict if perhaps some of these 'internet thugs' would be considered the same threat here as they are there. Perhaps this signals growing discontent, or perhaps just the iron grip of China getting tighter, its hard to tell.

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